Of Wounds

Sunday, August 14, 2011 10:32 AM
Matthew 15:21-28 (Of wounds)

A good Franciscan Capuchin Friar was visiting the Sisters for the feast of St. Clare.  In the course of his inspiring talks to them he said this lovely word, “No one can hurt you more deeply than Christ has wounded you.”  Surely Christ wounded the good Canaanite woman in today’s Gospel who pleaded with Him for the healing of her possessed daughter when He seemed to ignore and rebuff her. But His wounding was like that of a surgeon whose laser light cuts not for harm but for wholeness.  Jesus knew the quality of the woman kneeling before Him and that His cutting remarks would serve to increase her faith until He could call it great.  And they would pierce her heart, making it more tender with love.  The wounds we receive in this life are meant for the same ends.  Of course, every wound is painful.  We cry out in sorrow for the pain and in anger for the injustice of it all.  We attempt to scar over our wounds with hard layers of resentment and pick at the scabs with endless remembering.  But some wounds are never meant to close.  Rather, they are to remain open like the wounds of Christ, and to be pressed against His so that His life and ours can flow together.  As the life and love of Jesus flows into our opened heart, it becomes tender with love for our suffering brothers and sisters.  Here then is the fulfillment of that mysterious saying of Scripture, “All things work together for the good of those who love God.”


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