Fri. 22nd Week Year 1
Col 1, 15-20
Lk 5, 33-39
St. Paul tells that in Jesus is the fullness of all that is. In Him is found all good for He is the source of all good. He is that new wine of which the Gospel for today speaks. He is alive and dynamic. For our hearts to receive Him they have to be made new. Old, stony hard hearts can not stretch to contain Him for they cannot move with His life. How are our hearts made new? By suffering the trials that He permits. The Psalms tell us that by anguish we are expanded. When the Divine Bridegroom is taken away we fast. The Poor Clares who observe the Lenten fast all year will tell you that fasting is the best appetizer! When Jesus returns to us the feast is better for having fasted. He is our new wine, our bread of life and it is from Him we receive our vitality. Since all things work to the good for all who love Him, we trust that the sufferings we must endure will prepare us, expand our hearts and make them able to stretch to receive all the joy and love He wants to give us.