Communion Handclasp

Our Sister Mary Agnes, who suffered a stroke in July is doing remarkably well!  She has made a truly wonderful comeback, participating in all our community daily events including our midnight rising for prayer.  She still needs to have some support for the sake of balance when she walks, and so for that purpose uses a rolling walker much of the time.  For receiving Holy Communion, however, another Sister accompanies her while holding her hand.  The poetic heart of Sister Mary Agnes was touched to write on this sisterly act of love.  Here is her lovely poem:

Communion Handclasp

Our supporting hand, my Sister,
that has just lifted to your lips God Incarnate,
the morseled Christ, now grasps
mine that has cradled Him, Bread of everlasting life.
Then you steady me toward the yearing Cup.

We drink the Wine, no longer juice from vine,
but Love Divine outpoured in unmerited mercy,
    in Blood of the slain Lamb,
redeeming Blood freely shed for us,
vessels of clay, carrying away the risen Son
Whose radiance transforms, brightens,
beams warmth to hands, heat to hearts joined
   in bond of Sisterhood.

Lord Jesus, bear her burdens who lightens mine
on today’s pilgrim way of faith

for this vital Food and Drink, O Christ,
for universal brotherhood, to our eternal Father
from your Heart speak our gratitude.


Anonymous said…
This is wonderful and thought provoking heartfelt inspiration act of offering support of ones self to another sister
Ester Regina said…
Thank you and God bless!

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