The Hidden Hearth

      Every time a Poor Clare comes into the presence of the Eucharistic Lord, she prays the prayer of our Father St. Francis:  "We adore you, O Most Holy Lord Jesus Christ, here and in all your churches which are in the whole world!"  Today, at 11AM, when we gathered in our monastic choir, it was literally true that everywhere the whole Church was adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.  It was such an awesome moment!

Of course, adoration is a way of life for us.  Every day we have the privilege of worshiping the Holy Eucharist as He is exposed on our altar.  One Sister expresses the intimacy of our daily gathering in this lovely poem: 

The Hidden Hearth

When six flickering flames
Gradually hush the quiet noise of intellect.
Beacon home the wandering heart
            To rest in You;

When dawn-lighteases dark from this room,
Earnest with the stillness of prayer,
These walls become the walls of the world
            Over Your house of gold.

Listening, I know Your love is
            Greater far than our desire,
Great enough to take the look
Of bread and weakness
            To be our food and power.

Godhead gazing from this open door,
You know what destinies hinge
            On this hearth fire gathering,
What sparks fly to kindle new fire
            Across the face of earth.

What You do to unresisting
            Wheat and wine,

            O, Work in us.

Exposition on our altar


Anonymous said…
Utterly, amazingly beautiful!

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