Nun Run
Today six girls on a “nun run” from the University of Dallas
arrived in time for Mass after traveling 22 hours by car. They were a very interested and interesting
group, asking insightful questions and very sincere in their discernment. Mother Abbess and other professed Sisters met
with them in a morning and afternoon session.
The girls joined us for the Divine Office (from the public chapel) and
then shared a recreation period with the novitiate Sisters. Tomorrow they continue their pilgrimage to
Jersey to visit cloistered Dominican Nuns, then on to see active Franciscan
Sisters in New York and Steubenville, Ohio, more Dominican Nuns in Buffalo, NY
and ending with our friends the Nashville Dominican Sisters. Please pray for these lovely and earnest
young women that God may reveal His will for their lives and give them the
graces they need to follow it. One may
even become a Poor Clare! Here are some
pictures from the novitiate recreation:
-Maria Key