“By the labor of your hands you shall eat...
...you will be happy and prosper.” So does the psalmist describe a life of blessedness. Genesis also reveals that God gave the care of the earth to Adam and Eve, and it was only after the fall that their work became a matter of penitence and sweaty labor: “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread…”. It seems then, that the gardener has one foot in paradise and one that tramples the thorns and thistles!
We at Bethlehem Monastery do
our best to eat by the work of our hands and it has been great fun as well as
muscle toning penance to be able to work up a bit of perspiration this first week
of Lent tilling our vegetable field in a surprise day of 80 degree
The novitiate garden crew has
been busy during the cold and rainy days of February doing the first steps of shoveling
rows of raised beds.

we do our best, we cannot possibly grow enough to meet the needs of our big
family. But that is lovely too, as it
makes us dependent on the goodness of our kind benefactors whom God inspires to
support our way of life, not only by monetary donations, but by gifts of food
as well. Soon we shall be adding a page
on our website that will inform visitors of our immediate needs so that if
anyone is dropping by, and feels the breath of the Spirit upon them, they may
know where to direct their love! Some of
our friends now use Amazon to order their gifts on-line.
We do landscaping work as well. Here is a picture of some pre-spring
beautifying activities in the cloister courtyard.
to see you all embrace the hardships, as well as the joys for love of our dear Lord.
To receive the gifts our Lord sends you all showing forth from the earth must be so wonderful
God bless you all