Construction/Fundraising Update

We have good news….                And not so good news….

We have a contract and the price is not as high as we feared it would be!
                                                                                                                                                But it is high enough.

We have raised enough funds to pay for the architectural plans!
                                                                But we still need money for things like bricks, windows, doors….

Novitiate Dorm Fundraising Goal:  $100,000

As the insurance company and our contractor debated the merits of the contract, the Poor Clare crew set to work.  Mother Vicaress emptied her storage closets destined for demolition and the novitiate Sisters removed the doors.(No one is quite sure where the contents of the closets went.  It is Mother Vicaress’ secret)

Our good lawn maintenance man cut down the courtyard trees that were in the way of construction, while the Poor Clare gardeners transplanted shrubs and flowers.

This little engineer’s flag marking the site of soil testing in our courtyard is our sign of hope that construction will soon begin!  When?  God knows even if we don’t!  We thank you for all your help and ask you to continue your support of our project both by your donations and your good prayers!

You can use our Paypal button at the right hand corner or send us a check through the mail:  Bethlehem Monastery of Poor Clares, 5500 Holly Fork Rd., Barhamsville, VA 23011.

Those who use Facebook may want to consider doing a fundraising campaign for us there.  We have heard these can be quite successful!


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