Sister Mary Angelique to Make Solemn Vows!


We have great good news to share!  Our dear Sister Mary Angelique of the Infant Jesus has been received by our community to make her Solemn Vows on June 19th of this year!

One of our Sister's many gifts is a talent for writing.  In our upcoming posts we will be featuring her Stations of the Cross with meditations on St. Joseph from the writings of the Popes.  Below is her introduction:

The Stations of the Cross

With Meditations on Saint Joseph

From the Writings of the Popes


Prayer to Saint Joseph


Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,

Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

To you God entrusted his only Son;

in you Mary placed her trust;

with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,

show yourself a father

and guide us in the path of life.

Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,

and defend us from every evil. Amen.


(From “Patris Corde,” Apostolic Letter of Our Holy Father Pope Francis, no. 7)




    Saint Joseph is our companion every Lent, since March is the month traditionally dedicated to him.  This year he is especially so, since our Holy Father Pope Francis has dedicated this year to him (Dec. 8,2020-Dec. 8, 2021).  However, for many of us it might be difficult to associate Saint Joseph with Lent, and particularly with the Passion of Christ.  After all, he was presumably not alive during the time of Jesus’ public ministry, passion, and death.  It is therefore a valuable exercise to consider whether Saint Joseph has any direct relationship to the Passion.  This he does, in at least three ways:


     First, Saint Joseph participates in the manner of every soul in the mystery of sin and redemption, of which the Cross is the paradigm.  This is clear in that his life bore all the vicissitudes which are our common lot in this world.


    Second, there was never a time in Jesus’ life when He was not the Redeemer—thus the mission which brought down upon Him all the forces of darkness affected those closest to Him.  As His foster-father, Joseph was foremost among these, along with Mary.  Take, for example, the wrath of Herod, which pursued the Holy Family precisely because Jesus was the Messiah.


    Third, it was part of the Father’s Plan that his Divine Son should be born into a context.  The entire history of salvation and the history of Israel was part of this context.  The Blessed Virgin Mary, immaculately conceived, was part of this context.  Joseph was also part of this context.  He was, mysteriously, a formator of the Child Jesus.  Jesus learned from Joseph—as we hear in the Gospel, Jesus grew in wisdom and favor before God and men (Lk. 2:52).  Joseph was part of His earthly experience.  Thus we can say that Joseph, along with Mary, were the first in whom Jesus would witness the very virtues which He Himself would exemplify par-excellence throughout His Life and in His Passion.


   The following Meditations show how the mysteries of Christ we reflect on in the Stations of the Cross were mirrored in Saint Joseph.  Each will begin with a brief reflection on Christ which will hopefully draw out the association with that Station in the meditations on Saint Joseph that follow.  These meditations are taken from the writings of the Popes, which are duly cited.



Anonymous said…
Thank you for your Lenten reflections and prayerful congratulations on your joyful news!
Aussie Reader said…
I am looking forward to reading Sister Mary Angelique's writings. Congratulations Sister. I enjoyed reading your introduction. Praying for you as you prepare for your final vows.

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