In Memory of our Sister Mary Agnes


Obituary for our Sister Mary Agnes

On Saturday, November 6, 2021, our beloved Sister Mary Agnes Pezzulo, surrounded by her monastic family, passed from this earthly life to the realm of the Heavenly Father.  She was 92 years old.

Known in the world as Yolanda Pezzulo, she was born to her Italian immigrant parents, Salvatore and Maria Gratia on January 6, 1929 in Ticonderoga, New York.  Her mother would always tell her that she was a ā€œChristmas Babyā€ since in Italy, January 6 the day of Epiphany, is the greater Christmastide feast.  Yolanda was only 13 years old when her father died suddenly of a heart attack, leaving her mother with 8 children to raise, the youngest still in the womb.  In spite of her great desire for a college education, Yolanda generously sacrificed herself for the sake of her family and found employment after her high school graduation as a telephone operator.  Eventually, she was able to enroll in night courses at Siena College while continuing to work during the day. 

Inspired by the teaching and example of the Franciscan Friars who taught her, particularly Father Valentine Long, Yolanda experienced a spiritual awakening leading to a discovery of her own Franciscan vocation.  After corresponding with the Abbess of the Poor Clare Monastery in Roswell, New Mexico, she entered there in 1955, receiving the religious name of Sister Mary Agnes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus a year later.  She made her Profession of Vows as a Poor Clare Nun on August 22, 1957.  Sister Mary Agnes came to Virginia to assist our community in its refoundation in January of 1972.  Here she held many positions of responsibility, including Vicaress, Novice Mistress, Portress, Secretary, Cook and Teacher of Franciscan History to our young Sisters.  Gardening was also a well loved occupation.  She performed her duties with great diligence and was ever faithful to our Poor Clare life of prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and the glory of God.

In her later years, Sister Mary Agnes experienced many medical challenges, including cancer, heart attack, stroke and several surgeries.  On October 20 of this year, she fell and was hospitalized.  After pace-maker surgery, she returned home and seemed to be doing well, but after a few days Sister rapidly declined.  As she grew weaker, we kept vigil with her until the Lord came the following Saturday at 4PM.

We would like to thank her doctors and especially the hospice nurses who expertly and compassionately attended to her physical needs.  We also thank all our good friends and benefactors who supported us during this sorrowful yet grace-filled time.  Our Sisterā€™s funeral Mass took place on Saturday, November 13 at 10:00 AM in the public chapel of our Monastery in Barhamsville, VA, followed by a private interment in our cloister cemetery.


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