Blessed Christmas and a Holy New Year to All!

 Christmas Prayer

      Eternal Father, You so loved the world that you gave your only Son, that the world might have life through Him.  Grant us the grace, through Your Holy Spirit, to truly be sons and daughters in the Son.

     Holy Child, eternally begotten of the Father and His true Image, in becoming man You manifested Your essential identity as Son, inviting us to share Your Holy Childhood, in order that we too might find our place in the life of the Trinitarian Communion. In Your sojourn on this earth, You revealed to us what it means to live always in the state of grateful dependence and reciprocal love typified in the child, but representing the full blossoming of our humanity.  Help us to understand and learn to live the ways of This Child, and so glorify the Father in the heart of Your Eucharist forever.

    Mary, Mother of the Eternal Son and our Mother, smile upon us and upon all people as you smiled upon your infant child, that we may know, as He did, that we are loved and valued by God, and truly respond to that love.

     We ask this in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.



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