Ongoing Christmas


One month after Christmas, our yuletide decorations have been carefully put away.  Or at least put out of the way until one can catch up on all the mundane activities that were necessarily put aside while celebrating the high holy days of our Lord’s birth.  Usually at this time of year, the only reminders of Christmas are the still surviving poinsettias that grace our altars.  Sister Sacristan carefully nurtures them while awaiting the first blooming daffodils of spring.  But this year we are celebrating the 800th anniversary of the first Christmas crèche set up by our Holy Father St. Francis in 1223.  The Holy See also gave us a special indulgence that could be obtained from December 8th, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, until February 2nd, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.  All one has to do is to visit a crèche set up in a Franciscan chapel, meditate on the mystery of the Incarnation, and then say a prayer to Jesus, Mary, Joseph and St. Francis; also say a prayer for Pope Francis, and go to confession and communion.

So, on the day we de-decorated, we saved two of our crèches, one to put under the altar in our monastic choir, and one in our public chapel.  They will remain there until February 2nd.  We like the arrangement so much that we may do this every year!  After all, this is Bethlehem Monastery!

Choir Chreche

Public Chapel Chreche

Invocation to the Holy Family and Saint Francis of Assisi

Oh Good Jesus, contemplating this Nativity Scene, I ask you for the grace of forgiveness of my sins.  You are the dawn from on high made flesh to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death.  You made your home among us and loved us to the point of giving your life for us.  You did not come to condemn the world but to save it.  Give me the grace of sincere repentance and the humility to recognize my frailty.  Give me faith in your mercy and renew in me the joy of your salvation.

Mary, Mother of Jesus and Mother of the Church, teach us the joy of the humble and of those who believe in the promises of the Lord.  Help us to proclaim the greatness of the God who accompanies and saves suffering humanity.  You are the dawn of a new creation.  You are Virgin made Church, you are mother of grace and mercy.  Listen to our plea with the tenderness of your immaculate heart.

Saint Joseph, just and faithful servant of the lord, you are a holy and generous custodian.  Do not take your care away from us, lost pilgrims in search of the true homeland.  Protect the Church from the snares of the evil one and teach us to trust in the One who gives his only Son to rescue us from sin, evil and death.

Saint Francis of Assisi, you who loved the poor and humble Christ so much that you wanted to relive in Greccio, with faith and devotion, the night of his birth in Bethlehem, intercede for us so that we can contemplate with a clean heart the beauty of the incarnation of the Son of God and the kindness of his gaze that call us to a new life  Amen.


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