Immaculate Conception 2012
That as the Heavenly
Father prepared Mary by her Immaculate Conception to be the Mother of the
Incarnate Word, so may all who are called to serve God in a priestly or
religious vocation have confidence that they too will have every grace they
need to fulfill their mission in the Church.
That the laws of our
country may again reflect the conviction that every human person is a being to
be cherished and reverenced from conception to natural death.
That sinners may look
with hope to her who is sinless and yet is also our Mother of Mercy.
That we who were not
immaculately conceived, nor blameless in our living, may forsake all denial and
subterfuge, so that we may face God our Father in honest humility and entrust
ourselves to Jesus our Savior who purifies and clothes us in His forgiving