Feast of Our Holy Mother St. Clare

Our Aspirant Mariana, first time gardener that she is, successfully grew these sunflowers in St. Clare's garden.  Here they looked like an honor guard for our Seraphic Mother during her novena, until...

  ...Sister Sacristan cut them for the bouquet at the foot of the altar.  They are still there as I write, our 2nd day for celebrating the feast of St. Clare.  I am sure she is as happy as we are that "her" sunflowers were given over to our Eucharistic Lord.

As I was passing by our construction area on Saturday, the vigil of the great feast, I happened to see our Sister Elise engaged in her own construction project: a flower stand.
Since St. Clare' s feast fell on a Sunday, many of our friends were able to attend Holy Mass and celebrate with us.  Here are the petitions we offered on that day:

That St. Clare, who contemplated the face of Christ in the darkness of faith and now lives in the brightness of His glory, may pray for Pope Francis and all Bishops, that they may govern the Church in the light of that same glory.

That faithful believers living in the hope of salvation, may shine as guiding stars on a world lost in the night of atheism and despair.

That through the intercession of St. Clare, those who feel acutely the wasting away of their bodies through any affliction, may not lose heart, but may keep their eyes fixed on Christ who prepares for them an eternal weight of glory.

That all of us gathered here to celebrate the feast of our Mother St. Clare, along with our friends, relatives and benefactors present in spirit and in our hearts, may ever abide in the love of Jesus, and being true branches united to the true Vine, may yield abundant fruit for the kingdom of heaven.


Rose said…
Dear Sisters, As you are celebrating the feast of St. Clare I am praying for all of you that your Mother St. Clare and St. Francis bless you and that God our Father give you the grace to follow our Lord Jesus and imitate these holy saints. Pray for the church and for out lost and troubled world. We so need your holy lives. Again, if I were a younger woman I would be begging to join you. Peace, Rosemary

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