St. Clare's Novena and Construction

We have begun our novena in honor of St. Clare!  Being still in the midst of our current construction project, it seems natural for us to reflect on our Foundress' experience of building.

When St. Francis brought Clare to the church of San Damiano outside of Assisi, it was not a monastery.  Rather, it was simply a country chapel that had at one time served a hospital.  Its patron, St. Damien, himself an early Roman Martyr, was also a physician.  St. Clare took up residence and soon was joined by a group of like-minded women to live a life dedicated to God in prayer and self-sacrifice.  It was not long before the little chapel with its upstairs attic proved inadequate.  In the picture shown above, you can see the original chapel facade along with the first addition St. Clare built to the right of the original building.  Notice that the rose window ended up off center to the whole.  Looking carefully, the line joining the two buildings up the middle can be seen. Later, she had to build a monastic refectory and infirmary to house her growing community.  It is good to know, as we live through the sights, sounds and smells of construction, that St. Clare lived through the same, minus the power tools and gas run engines!
Here are some photos of our project:

While the men were away, the novitiate went exploring their new dormitory.

We need some gutters and downspouts!

The novice mistress' office in its present state!

August 31st is supposed to be the completion date!  God only knows...Please do know that we remember you all in our prayers to St. Clare as we prepare for her August 11 feastday.


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