Sister Chiara Marie makes her First Profession of Vows

I come from the beautiful ceremony of our Sister Chiara Marie's First Holy Profession to share with you some photos.  Above pictured is our new bride along with her formation director, Sister Margaret Mary.

Entrance Procession
Greeting her Family

Veni Creator Spiritus!

The Profession
Reception of the Black Veil
Festive Crown

It was a special joy to have newly ordained Father Dan (far left), Sister Chiara Marie's friend, with us for her day


ROB saidā€¦
Peace and Good, Sister Chiara Marie!
I wish you the greatest blessings from Jesus, Mary, Francis and Clare!
I humbly and fraternally kiss your feet!
Br. Alberto Guimaraes OFS
Braga ā”€ Portugal
Maura saidā€¦
What a wonderful day it must have been! Every blessing to Sister Chiara Marie!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Peace and holy perseverance, Sister Chiara Marie! How blessed you are to be called to this holy vocation! Pray for those of us who yearned for it but were not so blessed.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Dearest sisters
thank you for sharing Sister Chiara marie's wonderful day, the pictures are beautiful
Many blessings for sister and to you all for all the offerings you do on our behalf.
God reward you.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Dear Sister,

Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures! May God's choicest blessings be showered on all of you. May Sister Chiara Marie persevere all the days of her life.

I do have a question: Why are there four novices in the profession picture, but only three kneeling in the picture in the dining room?
Did one of the postulants. become a novice?

Thank you and Our Lady protect you.

Ester Regina saidā€¦
The 4th "novice" closest to you in the profession picture is actually our aspirant Mariana who is wearing a small white veil. Thank you for your prayers!

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