Prologue Prayer

In the beginning was the Word-


At the very Source of being,

At the Fountain of all that is-


You were, and are and ever will be.


You are with God the Father

And You are God,

In the eternal embrace

of the Holy Spirit.


Everything came to be through You

And all things are for You.

Creation comes forth and returns

To God by You.


In You is life,

And this life is our light.


This light shines in the darkness,

As it once shone at the dawn of time,

In a lowly stable,

And on a brutal cross.


Now, as then,

The darkness does not comprehend,

And will not, cannot



Shine on, O Word,

Our Light, Life and Love.


May we not prefer the darkness,

But may we turn our eyes to You,

Shining in the arms of Your radiant Mother.



Anonymous saidā€¦
Beautiful prayer.
zetor saidā€¦
Happy Christmas to all the Sisters. From a follower in Co. Durham UK.
Ester Regina saidā€¦
Blessed Christmas and New Year to you and your family!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Dear Sister,
I am missing your blog postings very much. Please continue.

God bless you.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Dear Sister,
I am missing your blog postings very much. Please continue.

God bless you.
Ester Regina saidā€¦
Dear Jeannette, Yes, I have been remiss. But the world situation has left me rather speechless and it seemed the message of this post was still the best thing I could write. Our prayer continues. Will post again soon, God willing!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thank you for responding, Sister. For Christmas, I purchased an outdoor nativity set that included a lit star. I let the star shine morning, noon and night until after the feast of the Presentation. Every time I looked at it, I recalled the Scripture passage to which your post alludes, "The Light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." I pray every day that sinners will be converted and that they will receive the light of Faith. We indeed live in perilous times.

Our Lady protect and bless you.

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