Christmas 2022

A new friend of ours got into contact with us as he was looking for a good place to donate his hand carved Christmas Creche.  What better place could there be than a Poor Clare Monastery named Bethlehem?  Of course we were thrilled to receive such a worthy depiction of our Lord's nativity, just in time for the celebration of His birth!  The only question was, "Where to put it?

Our first thought was to bring it to our choir/chapel, but because that location needs larger figurines to be adequately appreciated, our next choice was our refectory, where we all gather three times a day to take our communal meals. 

Our monastic "dining hall" is situated opposite our worship area, with a central courtyard between.  We chose that architectural expression in order to emphasize the importance and connection  of these two aspects of our community life.  In both the choir and in the refectory, we are nourished.  Our Lord Himself feeds us with the Bread of Life, and our Sisters feed us with our "daily bread".  Love, both divine and human, is shared among us in a most intimate way.  In both these places we live our Christian lives, our Poor Clare community life; one with God and one with each other.  

Jesus came among us to show us His way, to become our Way.  We pray for all of you, indeed for the whole world, especially those who still live in the darkness of unbelief, that all may come to know the Truth of God's tender Love and in It be set free.  

Blessed Christmas and New Year from all your Sisters at Bethlehem Monastery!


kvcarroll said…
A Blessed Christmas to you, my Sisters and all joy in the new year!

Mom Golden said…
Such a lovely meditation and beautiful images!
May God bless all of you!
zetor said…
Wishing all the Sisters a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. God bless you all.

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