St. Clare's Novena


The month of August marks a certain turning point in the Poor Clare calendar.  The gardens begin to look a bit tired after the intense heat and productivity of July.  Late summer flowers replace the blooms of spring and the sun is not quite so high overhead.  But most of all, the first days of August contain the solemn novena to our Mother St. Clare.  Our friends and benefactors send us their prayer intentions which we gather up into the special prayers offered each day after our celebration of Holy Mass.  St. Clare, our Mother and Foundress lived in the tumultuous times of the 13th century.  She well knows the sorrows and trials of earthly life which really have not changed all the much in 800 years.  Now as then people beg her powerful intercession as they suffer illness, death, financial troubles, natural disasters, emotional and spiritual trials.  St. Clare and her daughters lived in a time of conflict, having personal experience of war and exile.  Once it happened that a marauding army scaled the walls of her monastery.  St. Clare turned in prayer to the Lord in the Eucharist who then wrought a miracle that saved the Sisters from abuse and death.  We remember this miracle each day in our novena prayers.  Many marauding armies are spreading death and destruction throughout the world.  Many also are the more insidious hordes of evil ideologies that are corrupting the hearts of the innocent.  It is a joy for us to hear of the success of the Eucharistic Revival in our country.  May all the faithful turn to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament as we battle the evils afflicting our Church, our country and the world.  Here is an excerpt from the novena prayers we are praying each day to our Mother St. Clare:

Valiant St. Clare, who fearlessly stood alone against the barbarous Saracens, trusting in the Blessed Sacrament as your only protection, enkindle in us a tender love for Jesus Christ.  Help us to lead Eucharistic lives.  Protect our city, our diocese, our country, and all the world.  A voice from the Blessed Sacrament rewarded your trust with the promise; “I will always take care of you.”  Take care of us now in our earthly needs.  Have pity on all who struggle, on all who mourn, on those near to death, so that after this life we may all enter into the light and bliss you now enjoy.

Our Mother St. Clare’s feast is August 11.  Please join us in spirit as we celebrate her great life and gift she is to us and the Church.


Anonymous said…
I am presently reading a book about St, Clare so I can get to know her better. What a remarkable lady she was and what great faith she had in The lord to protect her and her sisters in religion.
zetor said…
Happy Feast Day Sisters.

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