St. Anthony's Blessing

 A good Franciscan Friar, Father Anthony, was with us for his nameday, June 13, the feast of the great St. Anthony of Padua.  He gave us a relic of his blessed patron who is beloved of us all, and also shared with us St. Anthony's Blessing which the saint used during his preaching tours.  As we seek to be strong against the errors and abuses of our own times, let us pray with St. Anthony:

St. Anthony's Blessing

Behold the Cross of the Lord
Begone all hostile presences!
The Son of David,
The Lion of the tribe of Juda
Has conquered!  Alleluia!

O Lord Jesus Christ
Be with us to defend us;
Be within us to preserve us;
Be behind us to guard us;
Be above us to bless us;

He who with the Father
And the Holy Spirit,
Lives and reigns forever and ever.

May the blessing of Almighty God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
Come down upon us for ever and ever.


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