800th Anniversary of the Stigmata of St. Francis


This year,September 17, 2024, the whole Franciscan family is celebrating the 8th centenary of the Stigmata of our Father St. Francis.  This is when he was mystically marked by the wounds of Christ as he was in prayer on Mt. LaVerna.  Pope Francis wrote the following prayer for this occasion:

St. Francis,
man wounded by love, Crucified in body and in spirit,
we look to you, decorated with the holy stigmata,
to learn how to love the Lord Jesus, 
brothers and sisters with your love, your passion.
With you it is easier to contemplate and follow Christ,
poor and Crucified.
Give us, Francis,
the freshness of your faith,
the certainty of your hope,
the genleness of your charity.
Intercede for us,
so that it may be sweet for us to bear the burdens of life,
and in trials we may experience
the tenderness of the Father and the balm of the Spirit.
May our wounds be healed by the Heart of Christ,
to become, like you, witnesses of His mercy.
which continues to heal and renew the life
of those who seek Him with a sincere heart.
O Francis, made to resemble the Crucified One,
let your stigmata be for us and for the world
resplendent signs of life and resurrection,
to show new ways of peace and reconciliation.  Amen.

Here also is a short slide show: 

May our Seraphic Father St. Francis bless you all!


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