The Danger of Success

Wed. 22nd Week Year I
Gospel (Lk 4, 38-44)

This week we leave the Gospel of Matthew to begin our liturgical sojourn through the Gospel according to Luke.  And so we jump back to the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry when he is enjoying tremendous popularity as an eloquent preacher and a rising reputation as a worker of wonders.  After a particularly successful day, He escapes into the wilderness in order to renew Himself in prayer to His Heavenly Father, the Source of His energy and love.  The crowds find Him and try to keep Him from departing.  Who can blame them?  But Jesus refuses to bask in the glory of their adulation, just as He had not allowed the demons to acclaim Him as the Messiah.  Jesus knew the danger of premature success and that His true glory lay in doing His Father’s will.  He would admit of no delay!  He must go forth to walk the sacrificial way of service, suffering and self oblation—even to death, death on a Cross.


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